Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Glitterfest Spring

Glitterfest was this past Saturday, I’ve been there as a vendor since the very first one in May 2009.  My how it as grown and evolved, it truly is an amazing event.  It was so nice to see friends, customers, fellow bloggers and make new connections.

A big “Thank You” to our hosts, Sheryl and Dianne of Whimzy for making it another sparkling event!!

I was able to capture a few photos this time.  I always want to see everyone’s incredible displays and art, I'm usually in ah so I seem to forget about taking photos, and it does get busy quick once the doors open so it’s easy to miss the opportunity.

 A big “THANK YOU” to my BF, Cindy, who came to help me once again, I couldn’t do it without you!
Thank you for all of you that came out to support us.

Put October 15th on your calendar ladies, the next Glitterfest. You really DON'T want to miss it!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What's Been On My Desk

The count down 'til Glitterfest, can you believe it is this Saturday!   I've been so busy I didn't realize it was  St. Patty's day today.  Hope everyone ate lots of corn beef and drank green beer (responsibly of course).   

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March Madness

My desk is absolute chaos with Glitterfest just two weeks away, the crunch is on.  I’m only showing you just a tiny bit of it ALL too.  Do I dare expose my true disaster?

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but do you ever feel like there just isn’t enough time in the day?  When we add the day to day life routines sometimes it can be overwhelming.  But as someone reminded me recently, we all have the same amount of hours to work with, even such icons as Helen Keller, Albert Einstein (of course, he had a whole different concept of time), Michael Angelo just to mention a few, and look at what they accomplished.  

With that said, although I'd rather to be doing this...  
So Cute...What a life, huh?
I should get back to the piles on my work space so I can have a sense of accomplishment. 
Enjoy your week!